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Real Estate LTCG Tax Changes

Real Estate LTCG Tax Changes: What You Need to Know

The recent announcement of the Indian government regarding the imposition of Long-Term Capital Gains tax in real estate got property owners and investors talking. In this spot news at, let's find out details of this very important change and the probable impact. 


  1. No Plan to Reconsider: Government clarified that it is not going to reconsider the announcement made by it while presenting the Union Budget 2024-25 related to LTCG tax changes.

  2. Elimination of Indexation Benefit: Abolishing the benefit of indexation on capital gains from sale of property is among the biggest changes.
  3. Simplification across asset classes: The step is to make the LTCG tax simple and hassle-free across different asset classes, including real estate.

What Does This Mean for Property Owners?

Removing the benefit of indexation will increase tax liabilities for long-term property sellers. So far, property owners were allowed to inflate the purchase price of their real estate, thereby reducing their taxable gains. Now the whole difference between the buying and selling prices will be taxed.

Impact on the Real Estate Market– 

According to experts, there can be a few ways through which this change is going to impact the real estate market:-

  • Longer-term investments will be reduced: Some investors might get discouraged from holding their properties for a longer period.
  • Short-term trading will increase: As there could be a case for holding periods of less duration to minimise tax impact.
  • Price adjustments: With increased tax liability, sellers might try to factor this while pricing their property.

What Property Owners Should Do– 

If you're a property owner/investor or looking to make some real estate investments, consider the following steps:-

  • Reassess Your Investment Strategy: Review your long-term real estate plans in light of these tax changes.
  • Consult a Tax Professional: Seek advice from a qualified tax expert for personalised insight into how these changes affect your specific situation.
  • Consider Alternative Investments: Other investment options might grant more favourable tax treatment.

The Road Ahead– 

While the government is giving a firm stance on it, the fraternity of real estate and concerned stakeholders are still raising their issue. Only time will tell how this change in policy has brightened the future of real estate investments in India. 

Stay updated, make informed choices for your property investments. After all, as important as the tax implications are in deciding on a real estate investment, they shouldn't be the only ones.