All that piece and parcel of the land admeasuring 3789 sq. ft (excluding 1.80 cents out of total extent i.e. 4572 sq. ft which is the area reserved for road) with other usufructs and improvements thereon, bearing PID No.151100403500120460, laid out in converted land bearing Sy. No. 319/14 of Olamogaru Village, Puttur Taluk, Dakshina Kannada District in the name of Sri. Mohammad Irshad S, vide Sale Deed No. 7198/2015-16 dated 28.01.2016 of SRO Puttur and bounded on the North by Sy No. 319/9, South by Sy No. 319/7 and 319/9 (as per verification, South by Sy No. 319/7, 319/9 & by Road), EAst by Sy No.319/5 and West by Sy No.319/9