SCHEDULE 'A'PROPERTY [Entire Property] All that piece and parcel of the property bearing Corporation No.23/58/1, 58/7, 58/8 and 58/9, situated at Dasarahalli, Bangalore, Ward No.6, comprised in the composite converted Sy. Nos.58/1, 58/7, 58/8 and 58/9 of Dasarahalli Village K.R.Puram Hobli, Bangalore East Taluk, totally measuring 17,152 Sq. Ft, and bounded on as follows: East by: Land bearing Sy. No.59 & 61; Westby: Road and thereafter remaining portion of the land in Sy.No.58/1,7,8 and 9; North by: Remaining portion of Sy. No.60; South by: Road and thereafter remaining portion of Sy.No.58/1SCHEDULE 'B' PROPERTY (Undivided right in the land in Schedule A Property which is the subject matter of this Agreement of Sale) All that piece and parcel of 359.442 sq.ft.(Full details available in sale notice)