SCHEDULE-A All that piece of land bearing Muncipal Number 10-2-10, A C Guards, Hyderabad admeasuring 3694.40 Sq. Yards and bounded as followsBoundaries of the Site East: 40 Ft wide Road, North: Neighbours House West: H No. 10-2-9020 South: Neighbours HouseSCHEDULE -BAll that part and parcel of Flat No.19/20, 'B' Type, Ground Floor, admeasuring 850 Sq. Feet constructed area in addition to the undivided and unspecified area of 36.94 Sq. Yards out of total area 3694.40 Sq. Yards, bearing MCH No.10-2-10, Maturu Apartments, A C Guards, Masab Tank, Hyderabad, Telangana standing in the name of Mr Lakshminarayana Appawaru vide Regd Sale Deed Doct No.1422/1999 dated 01-07-1999 and bounded by:Boundaries of the Flat -Flat No. 19/20 East: Open Space North: Stair Case, West: Corridor South: Flat No. 18