PROPERTY NO. 2Land (Non-Agri) measuring 22264 sq. yds. and Commercial Shed to an. extent of 76477 sq. ft. situated at S No 63/2, 63/3B, 66/5, 66/6, 66/4, 67/1, 68/1, 68/2A, 68/2B, 68/2C, Chillangi Village, Jagapatinagaram Panchayat, Kirlampudi Mandal, East Godavari District, Andhra Pradesh, standing in the name of Mr. Mudragada Veera Raghava Rao. Schedule of property with boundaries for the above said land extent of 22264.00 Sq yards.All the machinery such as Cleaners,presses, blowers, rollers along with electrical fittings, cables and transformers in the above said Ginning Mill etc.Item No:l Regd-Sale deed document no.572/2000 dated 06-05-2000.SRO: Prathipadu: An extent of Ac 0.12 Centsin S.No.68/2B, Chillangi(v),Jagapathinagarapi Panchayat, Kirlampudi Mandal, Prathipadu Sub-Registry, East Godavari District