Item No 1 : All that part and parcel of land admeasuring 5.07 Cents along with all other constructions, improvements, right of pathway and cart- track, other easementary rights existing and appurtenant thereon situated under S.F.No. 205/2, New S.F.No. 205/2B1 of Karumathampatti Village, Sulur Taluk, Coimbatore District and owned by Mrs R Saritha, more fully described in Registered Sale Deed No.4910/2014 dated 02.06.2014 of Sub Registrar Office Sulur and bounded on North: Property of Thangaa Gounder and Others East: Property of Thangaa Gounder and Others South: East-West 20 Ft Common Pathway West: Property of Thangaa Gounder and Others